Sista Afia Expresses Disappointment Over Lack of Industry Support

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Sista Afia Expresses Disappointment Over Lack of Industry Support

Ghanaian songstress Sista Afia has provided clarity on a recent social media post in which she voiced her disappointment regarding the lack of support from some of her peers in the music industry. Speaking on UTV’s United Showbiz, the award-winning artist stated that she will no longer extend the same level of assistance to her colleagues as she previously did. According to her, after unveiling her latest track, KreketeSoja, she anticipated that some of her close associates would promote it on their social media platforms. However, she was dismayed to realize that the support she expected was not reciprocated.

“I’m hurt, and this will be the last time I will go out of my way to support them,” Sista Afia remarked.

She clarified that her frustration was directed at specific individuals who had benefited from her generosity but failed to return the favor. She highlighted that these were people she had consistently assisted, even inviting them into her home and offering them unwavering support.

“These people know themselves. This is not an attack on the whole industry but rather some people who I go out of my way to support. They come to my house to eat and all, but they failed to support me,” she added. The artist expressed that she was particularly disheartened because she had personally gone the extra mile for them, expecting the same level of encouragement in return.

She further elaborated on how deeply invested she had been in supporting these colleagues, sometimes even turning down lucrative opportunities to show up for them. The situation, she admitted, was especially painful given the sacrifices she had made for their growth. Sista Afia’s sentiments have since sparked conversations among fans and industry stakeholders about the culture of mutual support within the Ghanaian music scene.

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